Who else wants to make $100,000 per year - working from home ?

Saturday, April 25, 2009



Gain financial freedom and tell your boss “I QUIT!!”

Learn the insider secrets and proven strategies that I used to make OVER $1,000,000 in commissions last year.

The secret ingredients on how to become a successful SUPER AFFILIATE

Affiliate Marketing 101

What is Affiliate Marketing?

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Separating Fact from Fiction

How Does an Affiliate Earn Money?

Finding Products and Services to Promote

What Interests You?

Researching the Market
Start with a High Level Overview
Measure the Demand
Check out the Competition
Market Research Summary

Where to Find Merchants with Affiliate Programs

Selecting the Best Merchants to Promote

If You Were a Customer
Does it make Sense for Your Website Visitors?
Sales and Reporting Considerations
How Many Return Days?
What is the Merchant’s Reversal Rate?
Payment Considerations
Check out the Merchant’s Feedback
What Kind of Marketing Material Do They Offer?


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