It just seemed silly to tell you all about how to become an affiliate marketer and how to promote yourself and everything else without telling you how to build your actual website. What is the point in getting traffic if you have nowhere to bring it to? Most webmasters and affiliate marketers that are not having much luck just need to tweak their websites a bit. They fail for the following reasons:
Looks unprofessional
Looks great but search engines can’t find it
Doesn't work and the original designer can’t be found
People come to the first page and then leave
If you have a Web site but have not gotten the results that you were hoping for, there are at least six things which you must do to make your site succeed and these really work:
Combine online marketing with cross-promotional advertising so that potential Customers will find your site a bit easier.
Information and links to other sites must be kept up to date at all times. You can do this with stock tickers and weather reporting software as the content changes daily.
Professional graphics and text design are essential as long as you keep it simple; the first impression determines how thoroughly visitors will investigate your Web site.
Your site must load quickly because visitors will not wait. All aspects of your site which is including forms on your site must be user-friendly and work perfectly.
You must be able to analyze your site's log files, which is what tells you how many visitors have accessed your site, where they went in your site, when they visited, etc.
In order for you to keep up with today’s consumers and surfer, you must be able to perform. This means that you should:
Build a Web site that quickly as simply answers the questions most commonly asked (FAQ).
Develop a marketing strategy which will lure visitors to your site and keep them coming back.
Make sure that your site is listed highly in search results when people search for your competitors or for related products or services.
Offer visitors to your site an opportunity to request notification about updates to your site and make suggestions.
Make it easy for a visitor to buy your products or services by having an electronic shopping cart or whatever is appropriate for your business.
If you have a Web site but have not gotten the results that you were hoping for, there are at least six things which you must do to make your site succeed and these really work:
In order for you to keep up with today’s consumers and surfer, you must be able to perform. This means that you should:
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